Nominative Determinism: How Your Name Determines Your Fate |
Author: Cyril S. Yuen, Kathy Li |
Publisher: eBook Dynasty |
Publishing Date: December 2017 |
Languages: Traditional Chinese (TC), Simplified Chinese (SC) |
Chinese eBook Formats: PDF |
Chinese eBook Price: US$6.99 |
Chinese Print Book Format: B&W Paperback Perfect Binding |
Traditional Chinese Print Book ISBN: 9781925462142 |
Simplified Chinese Print Book ISBN: Forthcoming |
Chinese Print Book Price: US$13.99, Contact Us for postage |
About This Book: |
Nominative Determinism brings together from across time the dos & don'ts, taboos & customs, fashions & traditions, for naming a baby or person: how a good name brings luck and how a miss is as good as a mile; the various ancient naming techniques using a person's five elements and Chinese zodiacs, supplemented by thought-provoking practical examples; analysis of names and sobriquets from historical and modern figures...
This book is practical and yet fun to read, it provides not only dinner conversation starters, but also precious references for parents and parents-to-be who plan to name their babies.
About This Author: |
Cyril S. Yuen is a prominent figure in feng-shui. He is also a consultant for a transnational architecture firm where he applies feng-shui techniques to help optimize contemporary architectural designs. He learned the art of feng-shui and I-Ching name analysis (a form of Chinese anthroponymy) from several notable experts. ... More
Kathy Li was born into a feng-shui family. Having studied in France, she pursued her learning of feng-shui and Chinese anthroponomastics under the guidance of Master Eric Yuen. She now works in the real estate industry in Canada. She is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, and French. ... More
Sample Reading (in Traditional Chinese): |