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eBOOK DYNASTY: NON-FICTION: Biography / Autobiography: Gay's Plan of Attack

Gay's Plan of Attack

Author: Gay Ffrench Petherick
Translator: Christine Sun
Publisher: eBook Dynasty
Publishing Date: June 2015
Formats: PDF (H: horizontal)
Languages: Traditional Chinese (TC), Simplified Chinese (SC)
Price: US$6.70

About This Book:

In the author's words: "When we are born unto this world we don't know what our future is; it's like cloud you don't know what is behind it; it's an unknown future. I soon found that out at the early age of 17 years old where my hopes and dreams were cut short through a car accident which left me a quadriplegic."

"Being a strong female, as I am, I wouldn't let my disability or people rule my life, which was a hard task. The bar for me was set rather high. I had to exceed expectations and refuse to live down to them. What God had given me was more than his fair share of challenges as I have found out through the years to follow."

"This book is filled with my true life experiences and there have been so many I shocked myself. The sad, happy, exciting, unbelievable and shocking events I went through and still am today but still come out fighting ready to take on my next challenge. I added twists just for your entertainment and wow you will be shocked at some of them and how I keep going."

"I am nature's challenger and a rebel and to defy the gender of norms which encourage me to be good but not great. To be bright but not brilliant. To be creative but not disruptive... I figured out how to rock myself, instead of letting others push and define my identity. I own my story and create my own meaning, which fuels motivation and resiliency. I developed capacity for risk and tolerance for failure, and have the ability to learn from failure. I define my own vision and values."

About This Author:

In the author's words: "The judge spares no mercy and I don't take stand. The conviction is short and sharp and now I have been handed down my life sentence. I have to make the most of my unpredictable life considering I have spent most of my life confined to my wheelchair. My legs have been replaced by steel, like that of a prison cell. I haven't a choice and have to do a 'Jail Break' and run or so to speak 'Wheel'. I am free but confined, but will do my best to be content but always on the run -- catch me if you can." ... [more]

Sample Reading (in Traditional Chinese):


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